Post COVID Syndrome
How To Recover From Post COVID Syndrome
Posted on 7 Nov 2022

Post COVID syndrome can involve a wide range of symptoms that are different for everyone. This includes fatigue, heart problems, and trouble breathing.
These symptoms can appear weeks after recovering from the coronavirus, even if you did not have them while you were sick.
Learn more about the symptoms of post COVID syndrome here. Then read on for tips from our medical team that can help you manage the condition naturally.
What Is Post COVID Syndrome?
With the fresh wave of COVID-19 infections caused by the Omicron variant, most people have finally accepted that the pandemic won’t be going away anytime soon. For people with post covid syndrome, it seems like an unending battle with the virus. Even after they have recovered from the disease.
Approximately 10-30% of people who have suffered from COVID-19 infection may suffer from long COVID, or post-COVID conditions, even if they were not very sick in the first place. A person is said to be suffering from post COVID syndrome if they have health issues that persist for more than four weeks after being diagnosed with COVID-19.
For 45-year-old Mrs. Smith, it has been four months since she has had the infection. “I have not been the same since I got infected last year. I feel extremely tired even after doing my daily housework. Before COVID, I used to have a very active life. I would meet with my friends on evening walks and regularly go to the gym. Now, getting out of the house is an ordeal, and I feel like staying home and resting all the time.”
Post COVID Syndrome Symptoms

Symptoms of post COVID syndrome vary in severity and nature. The range is wide and includes feeling breathless, having cough, joint pains, chest pain, muscle aches, headaches, and palpitations.
Other symptoms are loss of smell or taste, fever, dizziness when standing, diarrhea, fever, stomach and chest pain, rash, and changes in the menstrual cycle. Some people also suffer from memory issues, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, depression, and anxiety.
Though COVID-19 mostly affects the lungs, the virus is capable of causing long-term damage to other organs as well. Long-term damage may occur in the heart and brain. It may also be responsible for some of these symptoms.
For many, the harrowing experience of hospitalization, being on ventilators in ICUs, and the isolation from family and friends itself is enough to cause post-traumatic stress disorder, severe weakness, and issues with thinking and judgment.
As Mr. Jones recounts, “I was in the ICU for three weeks while most of my family members were also ill. I was so scared for my own life and that of my family as I could not meet them or even know how they were doing to make things worse. I was also worried about my business and how it would be able to tide through this period.”
It has been two months since his illness. However, he still suffers from sleep disturbances and anxiety over finances, even though his business is doing well.
The elders are not the only ones to suffer from post COVID syndrome. Many children and adolescents with mild or severe COVID-19 infection still suffer from symptoms. This includes tiredness, trouble sleeping, headaches, trouble concentrating, muscle and joint pains, and cough.
Young Ava Peterson had a mild illness along with the rest of her family a month back. Her mother says she has been complaining of headaches and joint and muscle pains since then.
Tips For Recovering From Post COVID Syndrome
You can recover from post COVID syndrome by taking a holistic approach. However, the first step should be to inform your doctor of your symptoms and rule out serious conditions, such as heart disease. It is also important to control any co-existing illnesses such as diabetes, kidney failure, or high blood pressure.
Clean up your lifestyle habits
Ensure you look after yourself even after your symptoms of COVID-19 infection subside. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Give your body adequate rest and get a good night’s sleep so that your body can recover.
Limit your intake of alcohol as much as possible and quit smoking. If you experience pain, you can use simple painkillers such as acetaminophen.
Try to keep yourself active and slowly incorporate an exercise routine into your routine. Take it slow and do not overexert yourself.
Managing stress also plays an important role in recovery. Try meditation, yoga or mindful breathing to calm your emotions and reduce stress.
Finally, think positive thoughts. It may be a good idea to talk to a psychologist if you are dealing with anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Remember, if you managed to overcome the COVID-19 infection, you can also overcome post COVID syndrome.
Many post COVID syndrome symptoms can be improved using appropriate rehabilitation programs. For example, breathing exercises can help patients who experience breathlessness or shortness of breath if done regularly.
Other rehabilitation programs include physical and occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and also neurological rehabilitation.
Herbal remedies
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) suggests using herbal remedies to alleviate the post COVID symptoms. However, the treatment needs to be individualized based on the patient’s constitution.
According to TCM Physician Brandon Yew, it is important to seek the guidance of a TCM practitioner before trying these remedies. Some of the herbal formulas that can be used are:
- Sheng Mai San
- Gui Pi Wan
- Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi
- Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
- Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
- Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
- Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
- Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang
- Xie Bai San, Wei Ling Tang
- Chai Hu Shu Gan San
- Xiao Yao San
- Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
- Dang Gui Nian Tong Tang
- Xiao Chai Hu Tang
- Qing Hao Bie Jia Dan
- Dang Gui Yin Zi
Many people take Cordyceps supplements after fighting an infection to boost immunity, recover energy levels, and support respiratory health.
Pure chicken essence is another great remedy as it provides amino acids and protein for recovery, especially if you don’t have your appetite back yet.
Another easy self-help remedy that you can try is acupressure. You can use a blunt object like a massage stick or even your fingers to apply enough pressure to elicit a painful or aching sensation or numbness at certain acupoints.
Massage each point in the clockwise and anti-clockwise direction in a circular motion 20 times each. Repeat the massage for at least 3 minutes for each acupoint. Some of the acupoints that you can target are:
- Zusanli ST36: On the anterior aspect of the lower leg, four fingers-breadth below the outer depression of the knee joint, one finger-breadth (middle finger) from the front of the shin bone
- Sanyinjiao SP6: On the inner lower leg, four-fingers-breadth above the tip of the inner ankle bone, just behind the shin bone
- Neiguan PC6: On the front of the forearm, three-fingers breadth above the transverse crease of the wrist
- Hegu LI4: On the back of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones
- TaichongLR3: On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression proximal to the 1st metatarsal space
- Baihui DU20: On the top of the head, approximately at the midpoint of the line connecting the tips of the two ears. >
- Taiyang EX-HN5: At the temples, in the depression about one finger-breadth behind the midpoint between the outer end of the eyebrow and the outer tip of the eye.
- Shenmen HT7: On the wrist, at the ulnar end of the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the radial side of the tendon m. flexor carpi ulnaris.
- Danzhong RN17: On the anterior median line of the chest, at the level of the 4th intercostal space, at the midpoint between the two nipples
Acupressure can help to relieve the mild post covid symptoms. However, seek the help of a professional if your symptoms persist or are more severe. Aside from these remedies, a TCM practitioner may also advise moxibustion, acupuncture, cupping, and tuina (Chinese massage and manipulation) based on the body constitution of each patient.
The pandemic is far from over. We need to learn to live with COVID and the illnesses that come along with it. Thankfully, our natural remedies and healing knowledge can help us cope and overcome the pandemic. Restore your health with natural remedies today!